Robot Hackers Could Be the Future of Cybersecurity

The U.S. Department of Defense’s research arm, is looking for a better outcome Thursday in its inaugural Cyber Grand Challenge, where seven autonomous computers battle one another in what the agency claims is the “world’s first all-machine hacking tournament.”
Learn more here

Preventing and Mitigating Ransomware with Cyber Situational Awareness

Hackers desperately find new ways to steal data or break into your network. This article that I found online talks about a really common technique mafia uses to obtain something, especially money, through force or threats. Well data is a valuable thing and hackers steals confidential data and later threatens individuals to pay a certain amount of money or else they will release the confidential data to the public. Read this interesting article by clicking at the image below.

Cyber Extortion

Statistics about Healthcare Organization Breaches

A little old but still interesting, I found this article that talks about Healthcare Breaches in the past two years. Some organizations have been hacked more than 5 times during that time.

According to the article, The most commonly exposed data are medical records, followed by billing and insurance records and payment information. click the above image to read more.